범부처 2과제
보건산업진흥원 3과제
기초연구자 (중견) 2과제
연구중심병원 과제
ERC과제 등
Chair 03/2024~Current
College of Life Science and Biotechnology @ Yonsei University
Deputy Director 03/2024~Current
Institute for Life Science and Biotechnology @ Yonsei University
Associate / Full Professor 03/2021~Current
Department of Biotechnology,
College of Life Science and Biotechnology @ Yonsei University
Assistant / Associate Professor (Tenured) 09/2015~02/2021
Department of Convergence Medicine & Biomedical Engineering @ AMIST
@ University of Ulsan College of Medicine @ Asan Medical Center
Scientific Advisor 03/2020~Current
INFUSION TECH, KOREA (Core Technology Transfer)
Scientific Advisor 09/2015~03/2017
One BioMed Pte. Ltd, Singapore (Core Technology Transfer)
Principal Investigator (Scientist III) 04/2012~08/2015
Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore
Senior Research Engineer 10/2010~03/2012
LG Electronics,
Medical Device Group, Advanced Research Institute, Republic of Korea
Post-doctoral Associated Fellow 07/2009~03/2010
University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS), MA, USA
Pre- and Post-doctoral Research Fellow 03/2005~06/2009
Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine (MPIEM), Göttingen, Germany
Research Fellow 11/2001~02/2005
National Cancer Center, Korea
Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine (MPIEM) & Ph.D (2008)
Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany
Awards, Scholarships and Grants
국가 과제 관련
범부처 2과제
보건산업진흥원 3과제
기초연구자 (중견) 2과제
연구중심병원 과제
ERC과제 등
수상, 학회 및 저널 활동
Biochip Journal Associate Editor
Biosensors Editor
Nanobiotechnology Editor
국책연구본부 (RB)
2018년 울산의대 연구 우수 교원
2019년 서울아산병원 표창 (연구)
다수의 학회 우수 포스터상 등